Sunday, May 29, 2005

Here is my pair of Serpae Tetras. A perfect fish for a community aquarium and a beginner.They are peaceful and hardy.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

How many fish!

One of the best tips I have ever gotten is on how many fish to put in an aquarium.

The rule is one inch of fish for every gallon of water, and if you follow it you will not regret it. You will have a tank where the fish are healthy, it will be easy to keep clean, and you will save money as your fish will live a long life.

If you have a 30 gallon tank then keep no more that 30 inches of fish.

10 - 1 inch Neons = 10 inches
1 - 5 inch pleco = 5 inches
5 - 2 inch danios = 10 inches
1 - 5 inch red tailed shark = 5 inches

This would be a perfect family for a 30 Gallon Tank.

It is always tempting to buy more fish all the time but if you control yourself and follow this you will have a better end result!