Saturday, April 23, 2005
About Me
- Name: Greg
- Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
I am a 40 year old proud Canadian, happily married to a terrific and beautiful woman. I am also the proud father of a 5 year old boy , and a 7 year old daughter.
Previous Posts
- These are my Yellow Gouramis. I have three of them...
- Here is Ruby, our Ruby Shark. She is one of my fav...
- Boy it is hard to take pictures of fish in a fisht...
- Here is my spotted pleco (kids call him Plecky) wh...
- Here is my current setup. It is a 140 gallon fresh...
- My Aquarium

Cool photos here.
Just a question. I had 3 Gourami's in the 20 gallon tank and all by one died. The one servivor has a little bit of a whole on his side and is not feeling too well but is surviving. He has been in a seperate tank where we give him medicine. I was wondering why they got sick. All my other fish were fine. We have a female betta in there, 4 neon's and 3 black neons as well as a Pleco. So i find it strange that if the gouramis got sick then why not the Neon's, they are usually teh first to go. Anyway I was just wondering if you knew. We will be going to Aquarium Services this weekend and find out. I plan on getting another male betta, mine died last week of old age I presume because he looked okay but I did have him 3 years.
The best way I have found to help a sick fish is to prevent it from getting sick. In my experience once I have seen a hole, or white film, it has been too late and the fish eventually died. Perhaps the guys at Aquarium Services may be able to help, but any medicine I have bought was expensive and didn't save the fish.
In your 20 gallon tank you should remember to not have more than 20" of fish in the tank at one time. This means that the full grown lengths of your fish should not total more than 20".
Yours totals up as:
3 gouramis @ 4" each 12" total
7 neons @ 1" each 7" total
1 Beta @ 1.5" each 1.5" total
1 Pleco @ 5" each 5" total
That totals up to 25.5 inches which may mean your tank is a little overloaded. This will put stress on the fish and cause them to get sick.
I would recomend not replacing the 3 gouramis and go for some smaller fish, like some Serpae Tetra or similar, so as to not overload your setup.
I would wait 2 weeks from you last fish death or removal to make sure that the disease has not infected the other fish before adding.
Thanks for the question and I will blog on this next week.
Good Luck.
I replied on my blog about the answer you gave me which I appreciate quite a bit.
I don't think I will go for more Gouramis in the 20 gallon, I think we will stick to smaller fish.
One thing I don't understand as I mentioned on my blog is that we did some reaserch about communittee tanks and found that German Blue Rams and Gouramis could go together in a tank but in our experience it was not so which is why we moved them to the 20 gallon. We did not move our German Blue rams because they keep breeding and we did not want to interupt their environment. although we are not successfull in keeping the babies. But we are trying many things for that. Maybe one day we will be successfull.
Thanks for the information.
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