Here is Ruby, our Ruby Shark. She is one of my favourite fish. I have had one of these in almost every setup I have had. Ruby sharks are much more polite to the other fish than a Red Tail Shark one of my other favourites. In fact I had a Red Tailed Shark before this one until it jumped out of the tank, and was found dried out on the glass top.

i have a ruby tailed shark, that is eating one of my gold fish, now my gold fish has no scales, and is covered with a slimy covering, can u tell me if it will survive, or is there something i can do for it....i did seperate the two of them...
my email is shelby6699@yahoo.com
i am also having a hard time registering on the site
I would respond to the above poster that rainbow sharks like different temperature ranges of water (goldfish are cold water fishes, epalzeorhynchos frenatum is a tropical fish), and should not probably be housed together.
Great shot of the rainbow shark, too, by the way. Our albino rainbow shark, "Spike", is the life of our tank, and his constant chasing of our balas gives me hours of laughter. :)
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