Monday, March 28, 2005

Here is my spotted pleco (kids call him Plecky) who is actually around 7 inches long. I got him/her to clean the glass of the tank, but sometimes I wonder. He seems to be better at eating my driftwood and plants, than cleaning the glass. One thing is for sure I hardly ever find a dead fish. They just seam to disappear, and I am sure he is the reason.  Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Here is my current setup. It is a 140 gallon freshwater community tank with live plants and the following inhabitants.
Two Serpae Tetras
Two Clown Loaches
A Large Spotted Pleco
A Spotted Catfish (who thinks he is a pleco)
Two Harlequin Rasboros
Six Neons
Three Yellow Gouramis
One Ruby Shark
Six Striped Rasboros
This tank serves as a divider between our family room and our office, so we get to enjoy it from two rooms of the house.
 Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 06, 2005

My Aquarium

This Blog has been created to bring my Fishtank and its inhabitants to the Web.

I hope you enjoy!