Here is my spotted pleco (kids call him Plecky) who is actually around 7 inches long. I got him/her to clean the glass of the tank, but sometimes I wonder. He seems to be better at eating my driftwood and plants, than cleaning the glass. One thing is for sure I hardly ever find a dead fish. They just seam to disappear, and I am sure he is the reason.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Here is my spotted pleco (kids call him Plecky) who is actually around 7 inches long. I got him/her to clean the glass of the tank, but sometimes I wonder. He seems to be better at eating my driftwood and plants, than cleaning the glass. One thing is for sure I hardly ever find a dead fish. They just seam to disappear, and I am sure he is the reason.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Here is my current setup. It is a 140 gallon freshwater community tank with live plants and the following inhabitants.
Two Serpae Tetras
Two Clown Loaches
A Large Spotted Pleco
A Spotted Catfish (who thinks he is a pleco)
Two Harlequin Rasboros
Six Neons
Three Yellow Gouramis
One Ruby Shark
Six Striped Rasboros
This tank serves as a divider between our family room and our office, so we get to enjoy it from two rooms of the house.